
2 3月

作者按:2008年2月11日,福建省闽清县女青年严晓玲突然死亡,警方做出“系输卵管妊娠破裂致出血性休克死亡”的结论。严晓玲的家人却坚持认为她是被多人奸杀致死。此后,严母林秀林开始上访。2009年11月, 范燕琼用文章,游精佑、吴华英用视频的方式纪录下林秀英的口述并在网络传播,被以“诬告陷害罪”提起公诉。三个月后,“福建三网民因言获罪案网络关注团”在北京正式成立,并在网络上征集签名,一个月间,签名者达3000余人。


2010年4月13日下午3点,从北京西客站出发,福建三网友诬告陷害案北京关注团首批网友一行7人:王荔蕻、王译、天天、单亚娟、华泽(灵魂飘香)、李金成、高 建,目的地:福州。










吃完晚餐回到房间,接到酒店通知,原先每个房间只要一个身份证登记,现在要求我们登记所有人的身份证。问:为什么?答:为了你们的安全。问:那刚才为什么 不要呢?答:刚才忘记了。知道司法干涉了,决定不难为酒店,我们高调声援,早已将生死至之度外,还怕他查身份证不成?


2010 年4月15日上午,数名关注团网友冒雨再次前往福州马尾区人民法院申请旁听,正是工作时间,法院大门却紧闭,站岗的法警如机器人般面无表情。网友问:人民法院为什么对人民关着大门,如果我们没有资格申请旁听,也请给我们一个答复。面对网友的质问,法警干脆一头钻进了传达室。




起来,饥寒交迫的奴隶,起来,全世界受苦的人!满腔的热血已经沸腾,要为真理而斗争!旧世界打个落花流水,奴隶们起来起来!不要说我们一无所有,我们要做 天下的主人!










2010 年4月16日凌晨,王译、陈书伟和单亚娟等三位关注团成员在被无辜羁押9小时后,警察们找不到治罪的依据,只好放人。陈书伟要求对方派车把 三网友送回关注团驻地,经过一番义正辞严的交涉,警方终于答应了。王译、陈书伟和单亚娟等三位关注团成员回到驻地后,王译说:在他们被羁押期间,几名警察接到上百个来自包括海外网友的质询电话,网友们的声援,给警方造成了巨大的压力。陈书伟告诉大家,有一个警察曾悄悄对他说:“社会需要你们这样的人”。

经短暂的休整,早上6点,关注团和福建三网友家属汇合后,两人一排,列队前往马尾法院。今天,为了素不相识的福州三位网友:游精佑、吴华英、范燕琼,我们 相约在这里。关注团的口号是:打不还手,骂不还口。我们将和平、理智地声援他们,用我们的行动,展示公民运动的力量。


七点左右,警方在道路的东、西、南、北拉起了警戒线,远处灰压压一片列队而来的保安队伍,放眼望去,至少一、两百人。一个便衣指挥他们扯断了“防捣乱 线”,要将关注团驱逐到离法院大门100米外的道路西侧。此时,关注团正面向西方为青海玉树地震中死难的同胞默哀。关注团的代表与他们交涉:请允许我们默哀完再转移地方。便衣指挥冲过来大声指责停止驱逐的同仁:默什么哀?把他们拖走!你听我的还是听他们的?为了不激化矛盾,关注团停止默哀,转移到指定区域。立即,我们四周被拉上了警戒线,保安、法警紧靠警戒线组成了两道人墙,将我们与法院大门远远地隔开。

将近八点,东边数辆警车开道,三辆囚车急驶而来。关注团全体向囚车呼喊:游精佑,无!罪!吴华英,无!罪!范燕琼,无!罪!游精佑,回!家!吴华英,回! 家!范燕琼,回!家!我们爱你们!让公平正义比太阳更光辉!整齐响亮的声音响彻马尾上空。


源 源不断有网友前来,福州当地的网友也加入我们的行列。法警和保安开始在警戒线外又拉上警戒线,一道又一道,一道比一道远。不时有电话打进来,外地来的关 注团被挡在了警戒线外,关注团发起人之一张辉去和看守最外围警戒线的法警交涉,竟也被拦在了外面,但仍有福州当地关注团及围观群众绕道居民区而来。




























记不起来是谁最先喊出这四个字:”自由万岁!”,多么令人向往。在中国数千年的历史长河中,何时有过自由的位置?然而,它却是我,是我们心底最深情、最执 着的追求,是发自灵魂的呼唤。














又有一警察代表过来禁止我们唱《国际歌》,网友质问:哪条法律不允许唱《国际歌》?当年共产党就是唱着《国际歌》解放全中国的,现在你们害怕了吗?云南关注团朱承志问大家,不许唱《国际歌》,你们答应吗?大家齐声高喊:不答应!朱承志对警察代表说:如果你认为我唱《国际歌》违法,你可以把我抓起来。大家齐 喊:把我们都抓起来!随即,《国际歌》声再次响起,警察代表退回警戒线外。






































《国歌》声中,关注团排成整齐的队伍,高举着印有2000多关注团成员签名,上书:“让公平与正义比太 阳更光辉的横幅”撤离了现场。

网友沉默写下了这样的话:不论历史选择了福州,还是福州选择了历史,我们可以确认,今天,我们创造了历史,每一位关注的网友都在建设民主中国。从1840 年,这个梦想没有被切断,哪怕是“8964”的坦克也没有使我们毁掉脊梁。我爱你们,我爱自由中国!




The Report from the Fujian front of 4.16

Translated by: Wei Yang

Writer note: On February 11, 2008, Yan Xiao Ling, a young lady of Minqing County, Fujian Province, suddenly died. The police announced their conclusion: “Death caused by hemorrhagic shock due to rupture of tubal pregnancy.” However, the family members of Yan Xiao Ling insisted that she died of injuries resulting from a gang-rape. Then, Yan’s mother, Lin Xiu Lin started her visit to appeal the following case. In November 2009, You Jing You, Fan Yan Liang and Wu Hua Ying were prosecuted under the charge of “false charge and frame-up”, because they recorded Lin Xiu Ying’s oral description in both writing and video proceeded to spread it on the Internet. Three months later, the “concern and watch group (CWG) for the case of three Fujianese netizens’ crimeofopinion” was formally established in Beijing. They then began soliciting signatures on the Internet. The number of supporting signers reached more than three thousand within one month. 

On April 16, 2010, the case was tried for the third time in the Mawei Court of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. Several hundreds CWG members around China came to Fuzhou to support the defendants. This supporting activity has been considered a milestone of the citizen movement of China.

April 13, 2010, 3:00 pm: Seven netizens from Beijing, part of the “concern and watch group for the ‘false charge and frame-up’ case of three Fujianese netizens”, depart from Beijing West Train Station. They are Wang Li Hong, Wang Yi, Tian Tian, Shan Ya Juan, Fragrant Soul, Li Jin Cheng, Gao Jian. Their destination is Fuzhou.

Collective watch will change China! Work hard to be an excellent citizen reporter.

On the way, the netizens tells the train servers and passengers the story of the three netizens, and invite them attend the collective watch at Mawei Court on April 16 at 8:00 am.

April 14, noon, the Beijing CWG arrives at Fuzhou and is received by Tufu etc.  Netizens from Hubei, Guangdong and Guangxi have already arrived at Fuzhou.

In the Fuzhou Train Station, we meet Attorney Hao Jing Song, who is going to join the Concern and Watch Group and the collective watch at Mawei Court on April 16.

Plain-clad police was stalking us since the first moment we arrived at Fuzhou.

At the bus station, Tufu and several other netizens distribute the flyers of “Propaganda Chairman Hu’s Idea of Administrating China by Law, and Resolutely Declare War to the Gangdom and Vicious Power in the Justice System”, while a plain-clad officer secretly shoots pictures from behind an inspection station next to the bus station; Tian Tian and I record him with video cameras for quite a while, then the plain-clad walks to us, staring at me and asking: “Why are you taking pictures of me?” I counter with the same question. He answers: I am taking pictures of the people waiting for the bus. I reply: I am taking pictures of the inspection station. Tian Tian naively shouts: Look at the birds on the trees, move quickly to take pictures of them. All netizens enclose up. The plain-clad leaves in embarrassment.

In the hotel, we meet the daughters of You Jing You, Wu Hua Ying and Fang Yan Qiong, the defendants of the “false charge and frame up” case of the three netizen. How lovely the three girls are! They are waiting for us, and say that they received only three court viewing permits per family. Actually, CWG members have applied to the court for those permits before, but have all been rejected. Is it “open trial”? Can the court viewing hurt the public credibility of the court?

After dinner we go back to the hotel. We are informed by the hotel that everyone’s Chinese Resident ID should be registered, when originally they needed to register only one ID for each room. Why? The answer is “for your safety.” We ask:”Why it was not required only moment ago?” The hotel leader replied, “We forgot.”  Sensing interference by the Justice System, we decide not to give the hotel hard time. Coming here to support the defendants passionately, we do not fear even death; can we fear ID inspection?

A splendid drama is going to unveil, how can we fear dramatic conflicts?

April 15, 2010 at Morning, several members of CWG, regardless of the rain, go to the People’s Court of Maiwei District, Fuzhou City again to apply for court viewing permits. It is during working hours, but the court gates are tightly closed. The bailiffs are emotionless as robots. The netizens ask: Why is the People’s Court closed to the people? Please give us an answer, even if we are not qualified to apply for court viewing permits. The bailiffs cannot face the netizens’ questions and hide themselves in the reception room.

Then, a third party person needs to enter the court; hesitating for a moment, the bailiffs open the gate slightly to let him in, but firmly push away netizens who try to follow.

Netizen yells: Your behavior is against the law!   No reply, the court is deadly silent.

It is necessary to review the song The Internationale now for us to gather strength:

Arise, the hungry and cold slaves, arise, the suffering people all over the world! Our hot blood is full and boiling, let’s fight for the truth! The old world will be pulled down, arise, arise slaves! Don’t say we have nothing, since we are going to be owners of the world! 

There is never a savior, and we count on no gods or empires. To create the happiness for human race, we can only help ourselves. We must take back products of our hard work and let our thoughts break out from the prisons. Make the fire in the stoves bright red, forge the iron when it is still hot.

Who has been creating the human world? It is we, the working masses. Every thing should belong to workers, tolerant no parasites.  Once we destroy all the most hateable snakes and beasts, that swallowed up our blood and fresh. The bright sun will cast light all over the world. 

That is the final fight, unite to tomorrow, the Internationale must be realized. That is the final fight, unite to tomorrow, the Internationale must be realized.

Afternoon, part of CWG members go out to distribute the flyers of “Propaganda Chairman Hu’s Idea of Administrating China by Law, and Resolutely Declare War to the Gangdom and Vicious Power in the Justice System”. About four o’clock, three netizens, Wang Yi, Shan Ya Juan and Chen Shu Wei, are arrested by the police precinct at Fuzhou University, when they distribute flyers in the university.

On 6 o’clock sharp, ten CWG members rush to the precinct of Fuzhou University. Through the glass doors, we see the three netizens detained inside. Three big security guards stand in a line, backs to the door. Five or six plain-clad enclose the three netizens. We try to enter the precinct to argue with them, but the door has been locked. No matter how we knock and question, they ignore us.

We sing the song The Internationale to support the netizens locked inside. It attracts students to watch.  We start to tell them about the “false change and frame-up” case of the three netizens and distribute flyers to them. Immediately several plain-clad appear, taking the flyers away from the students and driving them away. After an hour stalemate, Wang Yi gives out a short message: They are calling for support from the Public Security Bureau; please go back quickly for tomorrow’s court trial!

The outside netizens insist upon staying. Soon, a dozen or so plain-clads appear; then, the three arrested netizens are brought away through the backdoor. Their cellular phones are shut down. Nothing is heard from them so far.

We return to the hotel, finding plain-clads all around the third floor, where CWG members live. The three Fujianese netizens are still in jail, while three CWG netizens have been arrested. The last message from the latter: National Guard (translator’s note: NG is the politic police in China.) officer Liu De Rong 13506988030, Liu Yong Qing 13506987929.

April 16, 2010 at early morning, the three CWG members, Wang Yi, Chen Shu Wei and Shan Ya Juan, are released after being unreasonably detained for nine hours, since the police cannot find any grounds to punish them.  Chen Shu Wei demands that the police dispatch vehicle to bring the three netizen to CWG’s hotel. The Police finally agree after Chen’s reasonable and serious argument. As the three return the hotel, Wang Yi says that in their detention, several police received hundreds of phone calls from netizens, including ones from abroad. Netizens supporters gave the police great pressure. Chen Shu Wei tells us, one of the policemen stealthily told me: “Our society needs people like you.”

After a short rest, 6 am, CWG congregate with the family members of the three Fujianese netizen. We go to the Mawei Court in a tidily aligned two column line. Today, we meet here for the unmet three Fujianese netizens: You Jing You, Wu Hua Ying and Fan Yan Qiong. CWG’s slogan is: Not to hit back if be hit, not to scold back if be scolded, show the strength of the citizen movement by our action manner.

Wearing badges of “let the fairness and justice be brighter than the sun” and yellow silk bands, the CWG members set an anti-trouble line at the east outside of the Mawei Court’s gate, lest some evil persons mix in and create trouble. CWG members from various places keep coming to enjoin us. There are college students, Buddhists, businessmen, professional rights activists, scholars, attorneys, writers, etc among us.

About 7 o’clock, police establishes guard lines at east, west, south and north directions. A security guard team comes from the distance, like a grey cloud, appearing with at least one or two hundreds men. A plain-clad instructs them to break the anti—trouble line, and drive CWG, which is silently mourning for the compatriots who died in the earth quake of Yushu district, Qinghai Province, to west side of a highway, about 100 meters from the court gate.  The CWG representatives negotiate with the police: please let us change location after we finish the mourning. The plain-clad dashes over to berate his men who had stopped driving at us: What mourning? Drag them away! You guys obey them or me?  To avoid more confliction, the CWG stop mourning and move to the assigned position. We are immediately surrounded by guard lines, along which the security guards and bailiffs make two human walls, separating us from the Court gate.

Close to 8 o’clock, led by several police cars from east direction, three prison vans dash in. All CWG members shout to the vans: You Jing Hua, Not, Guilty! Wu Hua Ying, Not, Guilty! Fan Yan Qiong, Not, Guilty! You Jing Hua, Go! Home! Wu Hua Ying, Go! Home!  Fan Yan Qiong, Go! Home! We love You! Let the fairness and justice be bright more than the sun! The tidily concurrent and loud voice flies to the sky above Mawei.

The great fight between Caonima and Hexie formally start. (Interpreter note: “Hexie, literally meaning “river crab”, is pronounced similar as “harmony” in Chinese, so it became a humorous name, popular on Chinese Internet, for Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Government, since they suppress dissidents and any different voice under the excuse of “constructing a harmonious China society”. “Caonima”, literally meaning “grass mud horses”, is pronounced similar as “fuck you” in Chinese, so it became a humorous name, popular on Chinese Internet, for the protesters to Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Government. They are often taken by the Chinese government as “unharmonious factors”.)

Netizens still keep continuously coming to join us, including the local Fujianese netizen. Bailiffs and security guards start to establish new guard lines outside of the old one. One line after another and so on, becoming more and more far. Phone calls come from time to time, telling us that members from out of Fujian are blocked out side the guard lines; even Zhang Hui, one of the initiator of CWG, is also blocked as he goes out to negotiate with the bailiffs at the most outside guard line.  However, the local CWG members and residents make their way through the resident area to come.

You Jing You’s college mates join us with a banner of “Supporting Group from the South-west Jiaotong University.”

Madam Li, the mother of Yan Xiao Lin and the important witness of this case, who was confined by the police on the last day and is refused admittance into the court, comes here too, after she cleverly gets rid of her guards.

Though the Departments of Truth (translator note: it means the Departments of Propaganda) around China give pressure, reporters from several media still come stealthily as the roles of netizens. They smile understandingly to their colleagues when they meet, then go back to their work.

The Fujianese Wrongly-punished-victim Group come to accuse the justice department of corruption, making CWG a temporary reception station for appealing visitors. We receive a big package of appealing visit material.

A trial of the innocents is held in the court, while another trial by the people is held outside of the court and on the Internet.

Sister Wang Li Hong of CWG lead the shout with a loud speaker: You Jing You…, we shout not Guilty! Wu Hua Ying…, not! Guilty! Fan Yan Qiong…, not! Guilty!

Then comes the song The Internationale , like an iron stream:

Arise, the hungry and cold slaves.

Arise, the suffered people all over the world!

Our hot blood is full and boiling;

let’s fight for the truth!

The old world will be pulled down.

Arise, arise slaves!

Don’t say we have nothing.

We are going to be owners of the world!


There is never a savior,

and we count on no gods or empires.

To create the happiness for human race,

we can only help ourselves.

We must take back products of our hard work

and let our thought break out from the prisons.

Make the fire in stove bright red,

Forge the iron when it is still hot.


That is the final fight.

Unite to tomorrow!

Slogans are shouted again: No crime of opinions! Long live freedom! No crime of opinions! Long live freedom! No crime of opinions! Long live freedom!

“Long live freedom!” I cannot remember who shouted it first. What a yearning line! In the thousands years of the long history of China, where is the position of the freedom? But freedom is the deepest feeling and firmest pursuit from the bottom of my heart and our hearts. Our souls are calling for it.

Then sound out the The National Anthem and The Song of Caonima. Every CWG member calls friends, qq groups, or skype groups through cellular phones, to live broadcast the scene to the whole world.

Friends send some short message:

“Listening to your voice of justice, we all have tears drop down.”

“I turn on my loud speaker to broadcast your message in the subway, everybody is encouraged, and moved! Come on!”

“You have the huge state machine, we have the broad Malegebi… Today, you try the three netizens in the court, we try you on the Internet…” (Translator note: Malegebi is a collective noun, meaning the web sites on which Chinese people criticize Chinese government.)

“The citizen rights are not given, but earned. Today, China is proud of you!”

“Please pass the regards of friends on skype to the fight comrades on the front. Your effort is appreciated. Love you ”

The security guards along the guard line lower their head with reddened eyes.

Meeting a police offer outside of the restroom, I greet:”You work hard!” He earnestly replies: “You work hard!”

Fairness lives certainly in people’s hearts.

A police representative crosses the guard line to persuade CWG not to use the loud speaker, saying sincerely: “human are doing, heaven is watching.” Consent is achieved in a harmonious air and people from both sides take picture together for remembrance!

Without a loud speaker, our songs still fly to the clouds.

Another police representative comes to forbid us from singing the The Internationale. Netizens ask: Which law item forbids singing the Internationale?  Singing it, the communists liberated all of China; now you are afraid of it? Zhu Cheng Zhi of Yunan CWG asks people: To forbid singing The Internationale, do we agree? We shout together: No! We do not agree! Zhu then tell the police representative: If you think my singing The Internationale is illegal, just arrest me. We all shout: Arrest all of us! Then, The Internationale sounds again. The police representative retreats to outside of the guard line.

The defendant attorney Liu Xiao Yuan and Li Fang Ping send a message from inside of the court to Twitter: It is a court break now, the case will be decided soon.

People outside of the court stop singing, and are waiting for the decision in silence.

Twenty minutes later, attorneys send message again: the case has been decided, one year for You and Wu, two years for Fan.

A short break, then come the concurrent shouts: Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest! Protest!

Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty!

All men and women of CWG shout with tears of grief and indignation:

“Shame to the Fuzhou Court!”

“Fire Wang Xin!” (Translator Note: the CCP Fujian Committee Secretary of Justice Affair, who is also charged of the case of three Fujianese netizens.)

“Down with corrupted officers!”

“The Justice system is corrupted!”

Netizens from outside keep sending messages: “Fuzhou Authority instructed, today’s collective watchers should die!”

CWG on site members answer: “We are ready to face any results since we come.”

“The netizens on site, please pay attention: Reported by informers to Beijing, on the day before yesterday, the Fujian authority secretly planed to handle this issue. Now all ways passing the court gate are blocked, leaving no way to retreat. Six buses for arrestees are hidden in neighbor blocks……”

“Emergent call to the netizens on site of Mawei: Please inform each other immediately, stay in groups and coordinate each others! Local netizens reported that several trucks of armed police men are on the way to Mawei.”

CWG on site members reply: “Arrest us all! We should be convicted same as You Jing You, Wu Hua Ying and Fan Yan Qiong!”

“Please tell the friends on the front, move together, not alone, with the attention to safety. If anyone of you got trouble, we would have no choice but head to Fuzhou to take our duty for the liberation of our motherland and the freedom of citizens. “

CWG on site members reply: Thanks everyone! We firmly believe that they dare not hurt! Today, at the outside of Mawei Court, justice overcomes the evils.

The loud speaker is turned on again and Sister Wang Li Hong is speaking:… Fuzhou, we shall come back to you!

Yes, we shall come back; CWG will grow up to CW Brigade, CW Division, and CW Group Army. (Translator note: CWG can also be translated as CW Regiment.)

We take each other’s hands to make a big circle; all arms are lifted high with the hands in other hands. This time, the song sounding is the Chinese anthem:


The people who refuse to be slaves!

With our blood and fresh,

We build our new Great Wall!

The Chinese Nation,

Is in her dangerous time,

Everyone is forced

To yell his final roar!





Billions of us have the same mind,

Braving enemy’s gun fires,

Match on,

Braving enemy’s gun fires,

Match on!

Match on!

Match on! on!

In the voice of the China Anthem, lifting high the banner of “let the fairness and justice be bright more than the sun” and 2000 plus CWG members’ signatures, CWG leaves the site in a tidily aligned team.

Netizen Chenmo (Silence) Writes: No matter if it is history that chooses Fuzhou, or it is Fuzhou that chooses history, we can confirm: Today, we have created history, and every netizen of CWG is constructing the Democratic China. The dream has never been cut down since 1840, even the tanks of 1989 could not damage our backbones. I love you, I love a free China.

April 13-16, 2010






视频下载: http://url.cn/2OCH1f



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